Wednesday, August 25, 2010

more than this

Do you ever feel like you have hit a wall in your Spiritual journey? Like maybe God is taking some time off from making His presence known to you? I think that it is more than a "normal" thing we experience, but that God allows us to go through those times to create longing within us for more of who He is. It also creates faith... trust... hope. If we could feel His presence 24/7, we would never have to have any faith. In those moments, we have the choice to live by what we are feeling... or we can live by what we know. I "feel" like God is distant. I "feel" as though I am all alone. Or, I "know" God's Word says He will never leave me, nor forsake me. I "know" that He is my rock and my fortress...MY God, in whom I place all of my trust.

As girls, we are easily swayed by our emotions. So much so that we can make hasty decisions that end up costing us way too much, than if we'd simply placed our trust in God, and let Him do His thing. I encourage you (and me too!) to not be ruled by your feelings, or your emotions. Take a step back, let the perspective shift, and see things from a different vantage point. Know that God IS with you, and that your steps are ordered by Him when you CHOOSE to walk with Him. Whether or not you "feel" anything.
